Vielseitige Workshops, die Körper, Geist und Kreativität vereinen!

Thai Yoga Massage, Wandern & Yoga, inspirierende Masterklassen, kreative Aktivitäten und vieles mehr…
Jeder Workshop bietet dir die Möglichkeit, Neues zu entdecken und deine kreative Seite zu entfalten und über dich hinauszuwachsen.
Ganz gleich, ob du Bewegung, Entspannung oder kreativen Ausdruck suchst – erlebe eine bereichernde Zeit voller Inspiration und Gemeinschaft, die dich nachhaltig erfüllt!


Sunday, 29th of September
13.00 – 16.00h

Discover the magic of Thai yoga massage in this transformative 3-hour workshop, where you will dive into the ancient art of loving-kindness. Learn about the modern approach to myofascial release, clear energy blockages, foster well-being, and understand the relationship between movement, fascia, and inner pathways. Designed for everyone, whether you are a yoga teacher or enthusiast, this workshop offers a beautiful reminder of the power of touch as an extension of our hearts.

Sunday, 29th of September

13.00 – 16.00h
Location: The Munich Collective, Belgradstrasse 66, Munich

Investment 65€
(special price for Whatsapp-Group member until 9th of August)

What you’ll learn and receive

Introduction to Thai Yoga Massage: Learn the basics of Thai yoga massage and touch—a practice rooted in giving, caring, and respect—starting with yourself and extending to others.

Explore the Sacred Dance: Learn about the ancient practice of Thai Massage and discover the modern approach of Myofascial release. Learn to clear energy blockages that may lead to disease, understanding the universe of fascia and its therapeutic connection to movement.

Connect with Meridians: Gain insight into our inner pathways and energetic highways, understanding the meridians and their significance in promoting holistic well-being.

Hands-on Techniques: Acquire a toolkit of techniques so you can confidently share the gift of Thai yoga massage, whether as a yoga teacher or with your loved ones.

Whether you come solo or as a couple, this workshop is a gift to yourself and those you cherish. Whether you come with your partner or are paired up with a fellow participant, you will learn a complete sequence that you can share with your loved ones afterward.

Investment 65€
(special price for Whatsapp-Group member until 9th of August)

5 Elemente Yoga

Die faszinierende Welt unserer inneren Pfade

Die 5-wöchige Kursreihe

Die nächsten Termine werden bald bekannt gegeben

Tina welther 5 Elemente yoga